
Sing That Song


Team of Mevlut commander wait ready at the door.
They come to take Adem to 26th and 27th wards’ yard.
“Get ready! You fag”
“Yes Sir” say Adem and gets ready.
They open his cell’s door with noise and take him out.
Adem starts walking like a soldier.
He knows well that there is no way of walking normal in this hell.
When he enters the yard he saw prisoners kneeled down next to wall.
He couldn’t understand why and he just wondered the scene.
Dark trouble: “You kneel down too you fag”, he obeyed the command immediately like others who share the same faith.
He saw a few familiar face.
While they were looking into their eyes
They are startled with “Attention” call.
They all together leaped up and stood attention.
One of the prisoner:
“14th ward with 40 people is ready for your commands, Sir”
Some commanders with stick and log in their hands came in.
When everybody’s name is “Boy, Ass, Fog” they gave better names for their logs and sticks and write on it.
“Strike me”
“Eat me”
They just started to think that the logs will do the same job as the names,
Hunchback yelled: “Are you ready? You SOB”
The prisoners all together:
“Yes Sir”
Akin comes in the middle of the yard with a long chin in his hand.
At the same time two prisoners is shoved toward Akin.
One of end the chain is tied to one prisoner and other end to other prisoner.
With the command of Hunchback two prisoners start running to opposite sides hurriedly.
And when the chain is tensioned twp prisoners fall down.
They breathe in wheeze.
Under “Strike me”, “Haydar”, “Lamb”, “Eat me” hits prisoners’ chain is taken out.
And the other two in the line get the chain on their neck.


The team of Mevlut Commander brought Adem to the air room of the 29th and the 30th wards.
*They stringed the two wards like rosary
They were surrounded by soldiers with sticks in their hands.
Dark trouble:
“At ease. Attention!” He commanded.
All the prisoners obeyed the command as one body.
Dark trouble:
“You there: kneel down. You second one: stand up. You third one: kneel down. You fourth one: stand up. Continue like that till the end of the line”
Instantly the command was obeyed.
Dark trouble:
“All of you, standing: Go and climb on the kneeling one’s back and hold his ear.
All the ones who were standing went to the men who knelt down and took hold of their ears.
Dark trouble:
“Stand up”
Everyone kneeling instantly stood up.
Dark trouble:
“Where is it Boy” “where is the donkey and lame dog of this caravan?”
A prisoner at the end of the line comes down from off the another prisoners back, goes to the front and kneels down on all fours like donkey.
The other kneeling prisoner stays behind and takes a pose like a lame dog.
The caravan is ready for the road.
Dark trouble:
“Begin with the anthem “TURN THE PAGE OF HISTORY”
The Riders and the Camels and the Donkey and the Lame dog shout as much as they can
“Turn the page of history. This is the voice of the horseshoe; this is the voice of the mare.
Dark trouble:
“Boy Voice!. Voiceeee!”
They start shouting louder…
“The Huns bored Rome’s heart like lance”
Then the soldiers hit buttocks of the Camels their voice becomes louder.
“Gokturkler, Uygurlar, Oguzlar, Pecenekler”
The Camels were hit again.
“They add victory to Great Turk history.”

The road is a circle.
There is neither end nor beginning.
The Caravan is without destination. Circling and circling…
Whoever falls is hit.
The one who can’t walk is walked!
Adem mumbled Asik Veysel’s song:
“Going day and night, day and night”

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Selim Çürükkaya

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